Saturday, April 24, 2010

On L4D2's new update!

Hey yo, don't have a lot of time for blog posting today so I'm just gonna give props to Valve for the fantastic release of their newest DLC for L4D2 "The Passing". I'll leave this post spoiler free, but let's just say I was really saddened when I finally learned of the character who was killed off. I wasn't totally surprised though; judging by the availability of certain voice actors and the convenience of killing off that particular one voice actor who Valve was never able to get again after the initial recording of L4D1. The fact that the survivor's death is but a few lines of banter between the survivors is a little saddening; I truly hope that L4D1 will expand on this and maybe even figure out a way of de-canonizing this, since it's the exact same survivor who dies each time (would have been nice to have mixed it up).

Anyway, the Mutations are fun; especially loving Realism Versus and hope that Valve'll figure out a way to get it so everyone can play the mutations anytime they want (especially the single player ones later doown the line). Also loving the big, bad and beefy M60; a big machine gun with 150 bullets and no need to reload, and oh, it's an insta-kill versus all the common infected. The next footlockers in the game are also a nice boon to the survivors; as it's always funny to see groups of survivors get hopped up on pills / adrenaline shots as well as abuse the heck out of molotovs and pipe bombs (a quick Expert Realism game I played through yesterday had one guy consistently run back to a footlocker full of pills every time he got injured, the last time he ran back without telling us and he was gagged to death by a smoker).

The Passing is a fairly cool map, and the introduction of the Fallen Survivor Uncommon Common Infected fellow is a fantastic new experience to the series. This poor fellow was able to arm himself fairly well before he got infected and has a chance to drop goodies (especially first aid kits, regardless of the difficulty level, meaning it can be a game-saver on Expert mode). Only problem is the bugger has a lot of health (1000 on Versus, meaning he can take x20 the punishment of a regular zombie on Normal, not sure about Expert though), and Magnums and Sniper Rifles are not a one-shot kill against him, though Melee weapons are. Though good luck trying to melee this bugger because, unlike other zombies in this game, he will actually try and flee from you when he sights you. Thus, to gain his fantastic goodies, you need to make a tactical decision to break from your position and give chase. This can be devastating on Expert mode, though a few well aimed shots will take the fellow down quickly.

So yeah, stay tuned for more developments this Sunday!

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