Though English be me first language, I am certainly not privy to the finer points of properly constructing grammatically correct sentences, though you may have noticed that, hey, this guy actually capitalizes the first word in each sentence as opposed to the "hai gusy lol" responses we see on MySpace and Facebook these days.
Enough about me, let's talk about you! You probably stumbled onto this blog because you were either unfortunate enough to be bored of the regular ol' blogs out there and were in search of something new and exciting. Well, new and exciting is what I aims to bring! Provided you have an interest in video gaming, particularly that on the PC.
Alright, enough about you, let's talk about me again... I'm an Electrical Engineer at some prestiguous university located in Austin, Texas, and I'm as mathy a guy as can be. Not mathy in the socially inept, I-see-numbers-everywhere way, but in the smart practical-problem-solving way, just like the good ol' Engineer from Team Fortress 2 (a personal favorite of mine).

Pictoral Proof: Intelligence correlates directly to well-kept teeth, but can we establish causation? Sure, if we change our statement to "The Intelligence of virtual Texan Engineers correlates... etc. etc.", as he's probably the only virtual Texan Engineer I know of.
Of course, he's more concerned with guarding unknown briefcases from a plethora of enemy threats like Scouts and Spies, while I'm more concerned with Renewable Energy technology (in capital letters for maximum effectiveness) and the Optimization of such. Hey, optimization! Clearly I, the blogthor (blog author, I just made it up), am gifted in the art of English punnery.
I have a Steam account (and what self-respecting gamer would not have a free Steam account? DRM issues from specific games aside, of course), and I'll post a few screenshots in a later blog post of my libraries list to give y'all an idea of what type of gamer I am.
Extra credit: I'll tell you right now, though, Sniper is NOT my best class in TF2, though I can play him 'fine' (usually with a 1:2:4 kill ratio on headshots:bodyshot/SMG:kukri kills, I love me some kukri!). Bonus internet cookies to anyone who guesses my three favorite classes in TF2; you have a 8C3, or 1/56 chance of guessing right! Extra credit bonus cookies if you can guess my favorite loadout for each of those three classes.
EDIT: Yay, for pictures not coming out right...
whats your steam id? I have a 4 digit steam id ..... 1337
ReplyDeleteMy steam ID is in the lower 6 digits; not early enough!
ReplyDeleteI bow down to thine leetness...